Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
- Percussion 101! haha it has links to playing techniques, general characteristics, maintenance, rolls, etcetc for most percussion instruments :D, and videos which explain and demonstrate :D.
- Rudiments! ALL 40 OF THEM :D. haha and they included recordings for various speeds, which is quite fun :D. The simpler flam, drag and paradiddle rudiments are quite useful for stick control and all. Yeah, essentially you start slow, make sure you get everything right, the sound, wherever your stick is supposed to be, etc, then you speed up.
- Rhythmic reading? I think this is supposed to teach you how to read rhythms oO. You don't have to start from the start, you can try those at the back :D. Really fun! :D. And they have recordings at different speeds too, so it's quite exciting :D. Especially things like mixed and changing meters? :D
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
i shall write more than 5 words. i promise.
kinda sad that it's band break now, but then again, when EYAs are over i guess it'll be cool to finally go back. let's just enjoy the break for now!
sorry, i really have nothing to say, so i'm just gonna say that the sec ones are really very luo suo. no offence, but you guys are talkative in a funny way. haha :D yup, but i agree that you all can really talk too much sometimes. and maybe talk alot of rubbish. i may or may not be referring to the section blog.
i'm watching. haha. im bored, paiseh sorry. ^.^
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Not everyone has so much time to tag/post everyday right -.- but it's good that yall are trying to keep the blog alive. I appreciate it(: though I dunno if you'll have as much time next year, or the year after that, for that matter. But I'm trying, so you should too! (when you get to sec2/3, that is)
These are talking about all the funny things about you guys. x) Sorry if it is offensive, but it is meant to be funny. :P
There are parts about Aliza, Xing Ern, Deborah and Samantha. :P I did not say the names but I am sure you can guess (:
How someone(s) came up with a great idea,
Of making me drink water from your bottle.
Saliva all over, (yucks!)
That’s so forced-able. (don't know what word this is but nevermind) ><
How someone cleaned me with a mallet stick full of saliva,
I smacked her on the shoulder,
But got smacked back instead. ><
I asked someone,
Whether she would piggyback me,
If I jump on her back. :P
But sadly, she said 'no.' :'(
How random I was,
When we were practising,
And then I turned around,
Telling someone her hair was weird. o.O
That funny expression on her face,
Seems like she’s smiling.
Or rather frowning? o.O
Everytime I walk past,
You give me that irritated sound,
Or give me a look as if you’re gonna smile.
How you used to be strict,
But now I realise you’re very nice (:
You’re almost so perfect in every warm-up,
How I wish I can be like you. *cries*
o.O I really don’t know how to write poems. I anyhow write one x). So random. Haha. Really, no offence ah! :P Have fun guessing! o.O This is just for fun one. x) Do NOT take it seriously okay?
Percussion, my passion.
My passion.
Although a snare drum hit me on the head
And made me feel like I was going to be dead,
I still want to learn how to play the timpani.
My seniors are very funny –
They play weird games (the martial arts thing!)
And have different names (sorry, I just had to find something that rhymes :/).
I remember during band camp,
Sharon was such a lamb (oO!)
She had to drink out of Aliza’s waterbottle
Which made her want to throttle
Er, our seniors.
Who are very fierce.
Not actually they’re not fierce, just strict but nice
"I just couldn’t find anything to rhyme!" Xin Hui cries.
I’m really bad at poems, so perhaps I should stop writing now before it goes completely off-topic just for the sake of finding words that rhyme. But, wait.
And back to the whole point of this
Which I have completely…missed.
Is my passion.
Nothing rhymes with an emoticon :(
A pity we didn't get to...
There's so little stuff happening now that there's hardly anything to post about! But not posting for a week makes it feel near-dead to me (although what Deborah said is still, er, "seeping in" oO) :/ Especially when the tagboard has died for a whole day as well D:
Oh, and I told Lei-Chen about the section blog but she says she only uses the computer for watching drama serials (oO) so she doesn't visit blogs nor check her emails (explaining why she didn't know about the band photo-taking thing ><). Er, so how do we get her to tag/post? :( And about the emails thing, updates about band are sent through emails do we encourage her to, er, use the computer for other things? Ö
I can't wait for Band Break to be over :D But then it'll be Inunion soon, and we are definitely not prepared! D: We only have one song and we haven't even mastered it :(
Xin Hui :)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
And to stop Sharon and I from spamming the tagboard (again ><) by reminiscing too much about that very day…
Well on Friday Sharon and I stayed back in the Shaw Lab to finish our Philosophy journal. Last-minute work! D: But we had our Poetry Projects due the day before, so we should get a lighter sentence :D
I’m digressing. Anyway, then we decided to go indiv at the band room. So, we…indiv-ed -.- This is getting very awkward because I don’t really know what to say >< I’m just blogging so this blog would stop being dead! Aargh.
OK so after that at exactly 4.30 p.m. a senior told us it was time and we took up too much time covering the instrus, so we had to rush out, and we don’t know if Sharon took her sticks or not :( Then we spent time talking in 101 instead of doing homework, as usual, before my sister called and told me I needed to get my own dinner. So we decided to have dinner together (sounds like a date oO)! :D Then we took 132 to Far East (I’m giving too much detail! This is so naggy! D:) when Sharon suddenly asked me if her drumsticks were in her bag. So I checked for her, and they weren’t. So she started panicking. Then she got over it because she thought they were in the band room. Then the bus halted to a stop, and she lost her balance. So her wallet fell. So she bent over to pick it up, before rushing out of the bus. After that, she started panicking again because she couldn’t find her handphone. So she made me check her bag again, and, lo and behold, it wasn’t there.
Then came a terribly unpleasant dinner as Sharon kept worrying about her handphone instead of having fun as usual. And she was reminded of her drumsticks because there was a band playing right in front of Far East Plaza, with the drumset and all (and yes we agreed that our drumset looks nicer :D). Thus, she decided to call her father to send her back to school to look for her handphone.
I waited with her until her dad came which was about 7.20 p.m., and I got a little annoyed so she agreed to send me home :D So we went back to school, but then the GO was closed. So we decided to go to her classroom, but when we stood at the top of the amphi we just freaked out! D: It was so dark…so deserted…so creepy…so eerie…and we could have sworn we heard noises…and we couldn’t see clearly…and if anybody fell we might die (like when a snare drum hits your head D:)...and it was the 7th month! We looked at each other and immediately understood that we were both clearly scareddd…so we took each other’s hands (AHAHA it would be romantic if not for the seriousness of the situation) and ran down the amphi, screaming! It was actually exhilarating :D Then Sharon got so excited she fell on her butt at the small slope leading up to the stage! :D I don’t mean to laugh at you but the way you fell was seriously funny (oxymoron :D)!
OK Anyway when we got to 101, there was no mobile phone not drumsticks to be seen D: So our hearts sank to the bottom of the ocean where the fishes ate them AHAHA OK not funny nevermind -.- So we held hands again and ran back up the amphi to her dad’s car. Did I forget to mention that we hummed the tune of I Got Rhythm!, albeit off-tune? It was hilarious, except for the fact that her handphone was gone and she was going to get scolded since it was the 2nd time…and I was going to get scolded for bad results but ignore that.
So on the car, we called 100 for the number to SBS Lost and Found department, but the first time we called some taxi company by mistake >< Then the second time Sharon couldn’t hear what the person was saying so she just put down the phone, giving up >< It was a complete failure trying to recover it, so she said she would just get a new phone.
feels super sian x) says:
my parents say i'm very confused or sth
and mentioned sth about fengshui
Then we got lost trying to locate my house -.- I nearly made her father drive me back to RGS by a wrong turn! D: OK when I got off the car Sharon gave a very worried expression because according to her later:
feels super sian x) says:
thanks to your presence in the car my dad didn’t dare to scold me... yet
So, er, yeah that was the end of our adventures. OK AND WE PROMISE TO STOP SPAMMING THE TAGBOARD D: We got too carried away ><
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Today's farewell! Sorry I can't seem to phrase it any better, but yeah :D.
Hm I don't really know what to say, but I really wanted to post. I guess I'll write whatever I want to tell you guys individually in your farewell notes! Which I will finish and give to you after your EYAs! :D. I really hope you all like your presents :D. I'm sorry about all the knitted stuff, but I was hoping to make you all something useful and meaningful, so, yeah ><. And thanks for all the wonderful presents :D.
Presenting... -insert timpani roll-... that orchid that deborah gave me, aka Bertrand. I think. I'm not too sure about the name. But yeah.
[edit] uh, yeah. This is like, 10 days later? Anyway, look, it has like, 11 flowers!! :D!! If you can see the picture, yup >< [/edit]
HAHA I think it's actually going to be fine! :D My dad saw it, and proceeded to place it upon a pedestal, and promised that he would ensure that it was watered regularly, unlike my cactus. (Haha uhh, my parents do actually keep orchids, and they survive oO.) But I promise I'll talk to it everyday! :D. Okay I think I'm high oO.
And yay I didn't know the sec1s were so sweet. I didn't expect them/xinhui to give me a present, but yeah ><. I promise I'll give you one when we meet up for present exchange (part two).
Anyway, today was a fairly enjoyable day, and I guess it provided the much-needed closure to our band lives. It wasn't as emo as au revior in 2007 or last band prac in 2008, but it was still special and enjoyable luhh :D. Deborah, I really really really really love Bertrand! It's so pretty and purple and :D. (Okay maybe Bertrand isn't a good name oO. eeeeeek.) And I did enjoy the sec2s' video, but I see what Xing Ern means when she says it's somewhat (crap I can't remember the word you used, but yeah oO) It actually made people emo :O. Except for the BOF part =.=.
Sorry, no particularly pertinent Words Of Wisdom (WOW!), except that, yeah, please do continue to work hard and bring the section to even greater heights! I've seen every single one of you grow and improve, and I just want to say that I'm really proud of all of you :D. And I'm sure you'd do me, and every one of your seniors proud :D. I have learnt a lot from you guys too, and, thanks, really, for being such wonderful juniors (and uh, seniors, if you're reading oO). Please feel free to approach me if you have any problems, be it band-related, academics-related, or just about... life, in general. Jiayou! :D
And haha don't give Deborah a hard time! Aiyah I have full confidence that every single one of you will be brilliant yay :D.
PERC'10 FTW! :D.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I don't know how to contact Lei-Chen so I told Sharon about this blog after she kept asking to make one for Percussion in our blog
Um, yeah. Can somebody invite Sharon to post? She's so funny :)
OK bye!
Xin Hui :)
Sunday, August 09, 2009
I'm sooo glad the drumset's finally back. All along I thought it was Andrew Chia playing it, turns out it's Mr Mizar! I really cannot stand the way the teachers handle it >:C
First of all, they dismantled the toms to move it separately, which I guess is okay. BUT, they stacked one of the toms onto the floor tom which I think would damage the skin then they took the chair apart O.o and stacked the seat on top of the tom on the floor tom! D8 I didn't know whether to tell them not to do that, because then we wouldn't have enough hands and they'd have to leave the tom alone on the floor and come back to get it.
Secondly, Mr Mizar doesn't close the hi-hat, neither does he turn the snare off when he's done playing with it! So on Friday after NDP celebrations (which didn't end very nicely), the drumset got wheeled back into the band room and I turned off the snare, only to find that I couldn't turn it on again!
Thirdly, the screw INSIDE the right-side tom had come off somewhere between their rehearsals and the time the juniors and I helped move it to the recording studio. So Kai and I unscrewed the skin and screwed the nut back. I also took the opportunity to clean the extremely dusty toms. Underneath (hidden by) that, erm, cloudy exterior, the tom has a very nice looking wooden inside! Kai also says it has a nice smell, but I beg to differ.

Yeah i think that's all.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
okay so today, 30th july 2009, is/was last band cca day for the sec fours. it wasn't as solemn and dreaded as last year's, definitely, probably because it's been so hectic. i mean, it feels like band only just started, and we got new scores for arts fest, it never really had time to sink in. i dunno about sam and the juniors, but all i could (meaning allowed myself to) think about was chinese pt D: but i guess that's not necessarily a bad thing. it's sort of like a new beginning, new experiences, and it's not like sam's out of our lives entirely. besides, i have much more fun playing martial arts (THE FIRST THING THEY HAVEN'T SCORNED AT!) and taking crappy/normal section photos with a high tech camera than crying til my eyes hurt.
Okay so i'm SL now. i'm really glad i didn't lose out to Casper. it was a really close fight. i will try better than my best to be a good SL and i hope the juniors will cooperate with me (and take me more seriously). yeah. i'll make my seniors proud, i'm sure of it (: and i'll pass on everything i know to the juniors, and remind them to change timpani skins on the 1st of April, 2011.
The unexpected thing that happened today - to me, at least - was that i'm now commander. and i'm taking attendance for my batch. this is a job that belonged to the people i was most scared of in sec one and two! i hope i can get the same kind of respect i had for them (if not i really lose). this means the sec twos too okay! aliza, xing ern, don't you dare "HAR?" me again. so rude and predictable. Commander! the more i think about it, the more excited i get(8 although i'm kinda hoping i won't be taking the sec ones, for various reasons i'm too nice to type out. but if i am, once again i'll just do what i have to do and try my best not to lose my patience.
i would continue, but i should seriously do chinese pt now, then history pt next. and study for math, bio, english SAs, which are a day before history pt is due T.T which is also farewell day.
so i'll end off now. Sam, Thank you for being a great senior and friend. I'll miss your company! It won't be half as noisy without you! (if you get my drift) Thanks for teaching me new things and giving me support when I had to deal with my directs. Hope your, eh, future ahead will be musical - or filled with something you love to do! (8
perc '10
Monday, July 20, 2009
Last last week Talia/ Eeiyn/ Mrs Kohby sent out an email saying there wouldn't be band, I felt sad. Then I kinda got used to the idea that there wouldn't be band so I started planning for other things. Two days later an email gets sent that there will be band (for last week). I felt sad-ish. My brilliant plan to use the extra time for Bio PT has been ruined! :O Then I felt happy again. heh.
Then surprise, surprise they cancelled Thursday's prac! On Thursday! At 3pm! I was sad cause Mr Oura was coming finally! Sigh. I want to play Perseus! Although I realise that the next few pracs would prolly be for National Day and Arts Fest -.- I want to play Perseus ;__________;
The school just made an announcement that though CCAs are cancelled for Week 4, there'll still be Arts Fest rehearsals which makes me wonder if they care more about our health, or Arts Fest. I'm really hoping they don't send a surprise email tmr saying band will restart a week earlier cause I need to finish Bio PT! Then I can concentrate on TOMS(!) for perseus (: (: (:
I miss the instrus! I wanted to bring the snare home, just for the sake of bringing it home. I don't think I'd actually play it cause it's really loud. But just for the sake of having it there.
Okay I think I've said a lot of random things already(8 it's hard having only 2 people who post here. Except for that one time that Aliza posted, I think? About band break being over, which turned out not to be true anyway D:
I shall stop here. Sayonara, friends! See you soon, or sooner, or later, or never, or whenever (8
perc '10
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 08, 2009
Today we had band prac! Which was strange for a Monday. One thing to take note: Always uncover the bass drum even if we don't think we're gonna use it! And I have to remember not to give in to the juniors' laziness. Cause Mr Oura asked us to do crotchet beats on the bass drum so we had to get the cover off real quick O:
We played Perseus today! It sounds so lovely(: We've only played it a few times and I love it already! It sounds so majestic, exactly how "A Hero's Quest in the Heavens" should sound like! Ahh it's so nice... I'm listening to it now:D I love the Animato, Feroce and Cantabile parts the most. Aliza's timpani parts are so awesome! And the chimes make the whole sound of the song that much more, ehm, exhilarating! I just crash for added impact(: Sorry Sam I have no comment on your parts cause I haven't heard them yet! Don't get lost when you come back to play okay! Ehh Sam! We need to get our toms back! I tried the toms part but most of the time I had to hit the non-existent higher toms i.e. AIR *_____________* Sus cym roll upside down on the timpani is by far the scariest, yet most amazing sound I've ever heard. It reminds me of some extraterrestial sound. Oh and the ocean drum is really dirty D: but fun to play with!
Perseus - Unknown Artist
Zomg i hate imeem and their 30 second previews. Click the link and listen to the whole thing!
Doesn't it sound nice! Don't answer. IT SOUNDS NICE.
Oh yes, good luck for limelight, directs! All of us are going! I'm asking my directs tomorrow.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
sam it's gonna be your turn to post soon! if not i'll be monologing both during sectionals and here! we must work hard to keep this blog alive!
anyway, i'm just posting to say that the time's been screwed up for really long and i discovered it's cause it was set to GMT -8! so i set it to +8 :D
band break's starting on wednesday! Have a good break everyone, and i'll miss you guys! (((:
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Oh dear this place is really dead. Sorry for not posting for so long! I don't know what to do about the weird HTML settings cause I can't find the button to edit it. Sec3 has been surprisingly busy and I should be chionging Physics PT now cause it's due this Friday! But I won't for now, cause we just had Band Camp and we took lots of really nice/funny/cute photos! :)
yay aliza's smiling!
haha the sec2s look so cute.
My directs - Lei-chen, Xin Hui, Sharon
why so gloomy! haha sam
sam & her directs!
Chair photo!
Section photo! With my very extra batchmate on the right.
The juniors! XE's giving the look haha.
Yeah that's all! (8 Happy holidays everyone :D See you juniors next band prac. Sam, I'll see you in what, three weeks? (: