Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Today's farewell! Sorry I can't seem to phrase it any better, but yeah :D.

Hm I don't really know what to say, but I really wanted to post. I guess I'll write whatever I want to tell you guys individually in your farewell notes! Which I will finish and give to you after your EYAs! :D. I really hope you all like your presents :D. I'm sorry about all the knitted stuff, but I was hoping to make you all something useful and meaningful, so, yeah ><. And thanks for all the wonderful presents :D.

Presenting... -insert timpani roll-... that orchid that deborah gave me, aka Bertrand. I think. I'm not too sure about the name. But yeah.


[edit] uh, yeah. This is like, 10 days later? Anyway, look, it has like, 11 flowers!! :D!! If you can see the picture, yup >< [/edit]

HAHA I think it's actually going to be fine! :D My dad saw it, and proceeded to place it upon a pedestal, and promised that he would ensure that it was watered regularly, unlike my cactus. (Haha uhh, my parents do actually keep orchids, and they survive oO.) But I promise I'll talk to it everyday! :D. Okay I think I'm high oO.

And yay I didn't know the sec1s were so sweet. I didn't expect them/xinhui to give me a present, but yeah ><. I promise I'll give you one when we meet up for present exchange (part two).

Anyway, today was a fairly enjoyable day, and I guess it provided the much-needed closure to our band lives. It wasn't as emo as au revior in 2007 or last band prac in 2008, but it was still special and enjoyable luhh :D. Deborah, I really really really really love Bertrand! It's so pretty and purple and :D. (Okay maybe Bertrand isn't a good name oO. eeeeeek.) And I did enjoy the sec2s' video, but I see what Xing Ern means when she says it's somewhat (crap I can't remember the word you used, but yeah oO) It actually made people emo :O. Except for the BOF part =.=.

Sorry, no particularly pertinent Words Of Wisdom (WOW!), except that, yeah, please do continue to work hard and bring the section to even greater heights! I've seen every single one of you grow and improve, and I just want to say that I'm really proud of all of you :D. And I'm sure you'd do me, and every one of your seniors proud :D. I have learnt a lot from you guys too, and, thanks, really, for being such wonderful juniors (and uh, seniors, if you're reading oO). Please feel free to approach me if you have any problems, be it band-related, academics-related, or just about... life, in general. Jiayou! :D

And haha don't give Deborah a hard time! Aiyah I have full confidence that every single one of you will be brilliant yay :D.

PERC'10 FTW! :D.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Whee my second time sharing a blog :)

I don't know how to contact Lei-Chen so I told Sharon about this blog after she kept asking to make one for Percussion in our blog

Um, yeah. Can somebody invite Sharon to post? She's so funny :)

OK bye!

Xin Hui :)

Sunday, August 09, 2009


I'm sooo glad the drumset's finally back. All along I thought it was Andrew Chia playing it, turns out it's Mr Mizar! I really cannot stand the way the teachers handle it >:C

First of all, they dismantled the toms to move it separately, which I guess is okay. BUT, they stacked one of the toms onto the floor tom which I think would damage the skin then they took the chair apart O.o and stacked the seat on top of the tom on the floor tom! D8 I didn't know whether to tell them not to do that, because then we wouldn't have enough hands and they'd have to leave the tom alone on the floor and come back to get it.

Secondly, Mr Mizar doesn't close the hi-hat, neither does he turn the snare off when he's done playing with it! So on Friday after NDP celebrations (which didn't end very nicely), the drumset got wheeled back into the band room and I turned off the snare, only to find that I couldn't turn it on again!

Thirdly, the screw INSIDE the right-side tom had come off somewhere between their rehearsals and the time the juniors and I helped move it to the recording studio. So Kai and I unscrewed the skin and screwed the nut back. I also took the opportunity to clean the extremely dusty toms. Underneath (hidden by) that, erm, cloudy exterior, the tom has a very nice looking wooden inside! Kai also says it has a nice smell, but I beg to differ.

This is the side of the inside of the drumset tom! Can see that it's wood :D but my camera *ahem ahem* phone couldn't get the color nicely due to lighting.

Yeah okay. I need to educate the directs on proper instru handling, and the juniors on how to screw/unscrew/fix instrus.
Okay random picture from Sam's last band cca day (I can't really say prac, since it wasn't a prac...) I just thought XE looked very funny staring into the, erm, I want to say water container? Not sure what Aliza's drinking out of.

Yeah i think that's all.

(See my nails, they're white!) Happy National Day, section! 8)