Hey percs!
Haha I'm here to post about band birthday! :D. Though I didn't get very many pictures because um, my hands were busy most of the time trying to ensure that potatoes were cooked/peeled and all, and the sec2s are camera-shy (though we really ought to change that yes :D)
OH RIGHT - THEY CUT THEIR HAIR! (and I think it's really cute :D - so does the rest of my batch.)
the sec2s cutting potatoes! (haha you know after cutting potatoes and eggs for the whole afternoon, then Xing Ern told us that she was afraid of knives oO.)
(okay you know these pictures are all taken by me so it appears that I didn't do anything, which is not true, okay :D. I watched the timer and did all the stove-related stuff!)
And I think it looks quite gross, but it definitely tastes better than it looks :D.
Haha right, no band for the rest of the hols thanks to H1N1 preventive measures, (though I don't see how it's going to help, considering that none of the other CCAs are being cancelled?) but hopefully there will be section outing on thursday so :D.
Do post, to keep the blog from dying! Enjoy the rest of your hols!