Thursday, August 06, 2015


Today was NDP!!!!!!!!

The most sucky part was shifting all the instrus from the band room to the parade square ugh D:
The second most sucky thing was me messing up the last bit for my timpani part during the National Anthem D: (the emoji's influences by janika)
HAHA but other than that it went great hehe im happy i did relatively okay except for that timpani part

okay so then we went to watch all the celebrations @ mini amphi and it was so cool and fun HAHA we were all jumping up and down during the singing of the National Day songs :D

then we basically took a lot of pictures and sat around in the band room waiting for the founders day prac at 11 haha

founders day prac omg the chimes it was SO HEAVY we took like 10 minutes to get it up the five steps leading to the backstage area in the hall???
it was q boring HAHA mostly we just kinda sat around in the band room and took more pictures while waiting for our turn
but it was fun hanging around with percs hehe yall never fail to make me laugh :')

basically today was exhausting but it was worth it because it was also so fun hehe

~lohitha, percs'17

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