Friday, March 25, 2016

SJI exchange 2016

HELLO this is faith :)

SJI exchange was the best exchange so far and our whole section is so happy about how it went AND we made new friends !!

basically the exchange went really well(s) [HAHA get it guys] and it wasn't as awkward as expected. The ice breakers and stuff were actually super funny. first we did the typical double whacko which was an ok ice breaker. the next one was never have i ever and it was quite funny because hanis went like "never have i ever had a dick" ohman hanis but yup basically the rest of the game was stuff like that which i won't repeat because harem HAHA. after that was truth or dare and basically a lot of people hugged each other it was so cute and it was literally a giant match making session.

the performances by SJI were really good and we were all so excited about how cute the mallet solo in totoro was. but tbh i wasn't really paying a lot of attention to it so idk about the rest of the songs but i remember the whole section was crying over how good the sji percs were :)

in hanis's previous post we were going to make sure we got SJI good exchange presents but being us we forgot till the morning itself so we went to a tiny 711 to buy them a stash of m&ms. AND we felt so bad because they gave us a wrapped present and a typo card and all. but then we opened it and it was the chocolates maris gave us before ?? the ones that turned white HAHA like exactly the same.

the best part of the exchange was after the whole thing, we actually continued talking and now1 week later we're still talking and we made so many friends so we're all happy :) and we have a combined section outing with them on 1 april !! so basically sji exchange was really fun and one of the best :))

here are some pics xxx

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